Payroll and Personnel
This form is for both Classified (CSEA) and Certificated (CTA) employees who work less than 12 months each school year and wish to enroll in Deferred Net Pay (DNP). 
For all staff to initiate their pay deposited directly to their bank accounts and to no longer receive paper checks. Please complete, upload (attach) a voided check, and submit via InformedK12. An additional (1) paper check will be received before direct deposit begins. The system ensures the communication between the County Office and your bank account is successful and secure prior to initiation. 

To request leave from work and record all absences.

Additional hours worked outside normal contracted hours or days.

Must be pre-approved by immediate supervisor before hours or days are worked.

For regular certificated and classified staff (including administration, confidential, and management).

Complete and submit via InformedK12 by the 10th of every month.

A payroll document covers the pay period from the first to the last day of the month. 
Example: A payroll document is due on 02/10/2024 for days worked from 01/01 to 01/31/2024.
You do NOT need to record your regular contracted hours. Record additional hours worked and any leave taken or time missed from work, along with a description or reason. If you work your contracted hours (nothing more or less) for the month, you will submit a payroll document with no additional information.
Should you need additional support on how to submit your payroll document, please work with your school secretary.

For exempt and substitute staff ONLY.

Complete and submit via InformedK12 on the last day of every month.
A payroll document covers the pay period from the first to the last day of the month. 
Example: A payroll document is due on 01/31/2024 for days worked from 01/01 to 01/31/2024.
You will need to record each day you worked as a substitute. Please include the date, school site, the name of the individual you substituted for, and how many hours of the day you worked.
ALL = The entire day
1/2 = Half day

For certificated staff who utilize their prep period to substitute.

Complete and submit via InformedK12 at the end of every month.

(Per section 18.2.7 of the SHTA CBA)

To request approval and payment of stipends such as Educational Specialist, Individual Study Contract, NCTIP Mentor, Teacher in Charge, etc. Stipend requests are to be renewed at the start of every school year.

For ALL staff to verify previous employment. This form is also utilized to transfer sick leave.
For ALL staff to confirm tax withholding information.
Complete and submit via InformedK12.

Business Services

Used to request a contracted services agreement with a specific vendor or service provider. Vendor will be paid upon completion of contract.

Submit a maintenance request through Google Forms.
Example: "I need a lightbulb replaced in my classroom" or "Please mow the high school field for Friday's (01/12) game"

Used only for current employees to request mileage reimbursement for work-related and approved travel. Please note that a district vehicle should be used whenever possible. Mileage claims should only be submitted when a district vehicle was not available.

Substitute teachers living outside the attendance area of a school that is greater than 20 miles round trip from the District Office (Casterlin School, Redway Elementary School, and Whitethorn Elementary School shall receive mileage at the current IRS rate based on round trip distances between the District Office and the school site.
Mileage Distances
District Office to Casterlin = 73.9 miles
District Office to Redway = 24 miles
District Office to Whitethorn = 56.4 miles
Used to request travel or conference attendance. Please provide as much information as possible and attach a copy of the conference brochure or supporting information. This form should not be used to request payment. This form should be used to request approval for travel.

Upon completion of travel, use this form to finalize your claim. Attach receipts for relevant expenses including hotel, airfare, rental vehicles, rideshare services, bridge tolls, parking, etc. Do not include food receipts. Attach a Google Maps (or alternative) printout if claiming mileage.

Used to request approval for purchases. Please attach quotes, receipts, etc.