SEPTEMBER 26, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board of the Southern Humboldt Unified School District, at a Special Board Meeting on September 26, 2022, will hold a public hearing on the Education Code Section 60119, which establishes steps and procedures to ensure the availability of textbooks and instructional materials.
The Board shall encourage participation by parents, teachers, members of the community interested in the affairs of the school district, and bargaining unit leaders, and shall make a determination, through a resolution, as to whether each pupil in each school in the district has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, that are aligned to the content standards adopted pursuant to Section 60605 or 60605.8 in each of the following subjects, as appropriate, that is consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the state board:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Science
(iii) History-social science
(iv) English/language arts, including English language development component of an adopted program.
Stakeholders who wish to provide comments may do so by emailing [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
Direct questions or comments to Educational Services (707) 943-1789.
The public hearing regarding the sufficiency or insufficiency of Instructional Materials will be held Monday, September 26, 2022 at a special scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Public Hearing will commence no earlier than 4:30 p.m. at South Fork High School, 6831 Avenue of the Giants, Miranda, CA in the Wellness Center.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board of the Southern Humboldt Unified School District, at a Special Board Meeting on June 28, 2022, will hold a public hearing on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP} and the Southern Humboldt Unified School District (SHUSD) Budget for 2022-2023.
Copies of the LCAP and Budget may be inspected at the District Office (during normal business hours) or on the district website 72 hours prior to the hearing. All interested parties are encouraged to attend this meeting. The final LCAP and Budget adoption will then take place at a Special Meeting scheduled on June 29, 2022.
Per Education Code (EC) Sections 42127 and 52062, two separate Governing Board public meetings, held at least one day apart, are now required for the school district budget hearing and budget adoption. In addition, the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Public Hearing must occur at the same meeting as the Budget adoption. The Public Hearings require 72 hours public notice and both the LCAP and 2022-2023 SHUSD Budget must be adopted on or before July 1, 2022.
Stakeholders who wish to provide comments may do so by attending the hearing or by emailing [email protected] by 4:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. Comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
Direct questions or comments to the District Office at 707-943-1789
JUNE 28, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board of the Southern Humboldt Joint Unified School District, at a Special Board Meeting on June 28, 2022, will hold a public hearing on the Education Protection Account (EPA) Projections.
Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution, school districts. County offices of education and community college districts are required to determine how the money received from the Education Protection Account (EPA) are spent in the school or schools within its jurisdiction, provided that the governing board makes the spending determinations in an open session of a public meeting. The language in the constitutional amendment requires that funds shall not be used for the salaries and benefits of administrators or any administrative costs.
Copies of the Education Protection Account (EPA) may be inspected at the District Office (during normal business hours) or on the District website 72 hours prior to the hearing. All interested parties are encouraged to attend this meeting. The final Education Protection Account (EPA) Projections adoption will then take place at a special meeting scheduled on June 29, 2022.
Stakeholders who wish to provide comments may do so by attending the hearing or by emailing [email protected] by 4:00 P.M. on the day of the meeting. Comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
Direct questions or comments to the District Office at 707-943-1789
JUNE 28,2021
June 17 @ 9:00 am – 9:30 am
October 8, 2020
Instructional Materials Sufficiency Intended for Traditional Academic Calendar 2020/21
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board of the Southern Humboldt Unified School District, at the Regular Board Meeting on October 8, 2020, will hold a public hearing on the Education Code Section 60119, which establishes steps and procedures to ensure the availability of textbooks and instructional materials.
The Board shall encourage participation by parents, teachers, members of the community interested in the affairs of the school district, and bargaining unit leaders, and shall make a determination, through a resolution, as to whether each pupil in each school in the district has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, that are aligned to the content standards adopted pursuant to Section 60605 or 60605.8 in each of the following subjects, as appropriate, that is consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the state board:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Science
(iii) History-social science
(iv) English/language arts, including English language development component of an adopted program
Stakeholders who wish to provide comments may do so by emailing [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
Direct questions or comments to Educational Services (707) 943-1789
September 28, 2020