How do I contact the Board?
  1. Send an email directly to the Board. (contact info below)
  2. Send an e-mail to [email protected] – your letter will be presented to the board at the next regular board meeting, if you wish to have your letter read aloud during Public Comment please use PUBLIC COMMENT MM/DD/YY (date of the meeting you wish to have it presented) in the subject line.
  3. Send an e-mail to [email protected] if you do not wish to have it read aloud, please use CORRESPONDENCE MM/DD/YY in the subject line and it will be attached to the board agenda under correspondence. Correspondence must be received more than 72 hours prior to the meeting. If it is received less than 72 hours prior to the meeting it will be attached to the next regular board meeting.
  4. Call the District Office at 707-943-1789
  5. Send a letter – via U.S. Mail: SHUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES P.O. Box 650, Miranda, CA 95553
  6. Come in person to the school board meeting and present your idea to the school board (check meeting schedule time, dates and location).
  7. You may read a letter during the public comments as long as your discussion item is not an item already listed on the agenda; if so, you must wait until that agenda item to address the Board.
  • Public Comments can be made directly to the Board in person or via zoom at the school board meeting or by submitting your comment in writing to the board prior to the session you are wishing to comment on.
  • Public Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Please use the agenda item number and title in the subject line. PUBLIC COMMENT MM/DD/YY – AGENDA ITEM ##.## (if any, leave blank for non-agenda items). PUBLIC COMMENT sent to this address will be read aloud to the public and entered into correspondence at the next regular board meeting.
  • If your public comment is not received prior to the start of the meeting it will be presented to the board at the next regular board meeting under Correspondence, so that the board may address any comments or questions at that time.
  • All other Correspondence sent to [email protected] will be attached to the agenda at the next regular board meeting following when it is received. Please use BOARD CORRESPONDENCE in the subject line. If correspondence is sent only to the board members directly it will not be attached to correspondence unless specifically requested to be by the sender
  • Comments made on Facebook or in the zoom chat will not be read or addressed by Board members in the meeting.
Board Member Contact Information
Brandy Bremer Phone: 707-496-0406
Email: [email protected]
Christine Doyka Phone: 707-223-2727
Email: [email protected]
Steffanie Steffano-Davis 707-983-6171
Email: [email protected]
Thomas Lasbury: 707-223-6262   
Tony Wilson: 707-845-3341
Members of the public are encouraged to address the Board directly. The Board will hear any item of interest to the public that is within the Board’s subject jurisdiction. Public comments can be made at any Board Meeting during the Public Comment time and/or during Board’s consideration of the particular agenda item being commented on. In accordance with the Brown Act, the Board will not take any action nor will it discuss any item not appearing on the posted agenda for that meeting. Members of the Board may briefly respond to statements made or questions posted by the public. A three minute time limit is set for each speaker on all items. The total time for public input on each item is limited to twenty minutes.