COVID-19 » COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan

COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan

The purpose of this document is to provide each school site and/or district office with clear guidance for reopening in a manner that provides a safer and cleaner environment for students, school staff and any essential visitors. This COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP) is based on the template SiteSpecific Protection Plan provided by Humboldt County Office of Education and Humboldt County Public Health. They are also informed by the American Academy of Pediatrics “COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry.” It incorporates past and current Humboldt County Public Health Orders and requirements, in addition to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Education. It has been modified to meet specific guidance and requirements for schools and school offices and is intended to ensure schools and school/district offices have well developed and thorough plans in place and remain in compliance.
Description of a COVID-19 School Site-Specific Protection Plan (SSPP)
The (SSPP's) below combine state-level guidance published in the California State Resilience Road
map and local Humboldt County public health policies. The State of California requires all schools to:

1. Perform a detailed risk assessment (school site walkthrough) and implement a school
site-specific protection plan (SSPP)
2. Train employees on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen
themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them
3. Implement individual control measures and screenings
4. Implement disinfecting protocols
5. Implement physical distancing guidelines